DNS Application Firewall
The AX Series has been deployed to protect, load balance and ensure availability for critical DNS infrastructure at Internet and DNS service providers. The AX Series ensures the DNS infrastructure, as a strategic asset, is protected and DNS server resources are optimized.
Key benefits the AX Series provides:
Reduce load for protected servers (up to 70%)
- Legitimate DNS protocol traffic is allowed only, non-DNS traffic can be denied
- Predictable load through high performance Surge Protection
- Increases protected DNS server capacity while freeing resources to address increased load
Increased security for backend servers
- Optional quarantine (redirection) of malicious or invalid traffic for inspection
- Guarantee uptime regardless of DDoS attacks (hardware based SYN flood protection up to 50 million per second)
Protecting and Optimizing DNS Infrastructure
Problem 1: Malicious and Invalid Traffic Hitting DNS Infrastructure
Problem 2: Distributed DDoS Attacks on DNS Infrastructure
Problem 3: Increased DNS Infrastructure Pressure (Growth and Browser Pressure)
Solution: AX Series DNS Application Firewall
The AX Series DNS Application Firewall
- Included in the AX Series product
- Does not replace DNS servers, replaces existing server load balancer
- Placed in front of existing DNS servers; enhances and optimizes